
What exactly does it take to truly stay in a state of ketosis? It’s actually pretty preposterous when you think about it – a harmless raspberry too many and you’ve blown it. While the rest of the world is wondering if it can have the Reindeer McFlurry for dessert because surely the spicy chicken snack wrap made for a healthy lite main course, you’re determining if a nano serving of fruit will topple your painfully attained keto kingdom. But I digress. Staying in keto is only as complicated as anything else. Once you understand the basic principles and don’t get too hung up on the science*, a raspberry need not look like former DA Ken Kratz addressing the jury box.


*as a self-confessed science junkie, I’m not going to discourage you from befriending hydroxybutyrate and TCA cycles and PUFAs and acetoacetate. But just eating healthy plant-derived fats, the right amount of moderate clean protein and heaps of mean green veggies and you’re well on your way. Dare to throw in the odd raspberry too but whatever you do, don’t blow it!

Jo Colan